Helping Touchet High School graduates in their pursuit of higher education
Touchet Educational Foundation
Jessica Pedroza
Vice President, joined the TEF board in 2017, after volunteering several years, helping & leading the kitchen at our fall fundraiser. Jessica and her husband Jose are the parents of Anjel ('16), Laura ('17), Emilie ('24) and Mikey ('25).
Kimberly Niemeyer
Board Member
Ron Dunning
Board Member, has re-joined the TEF board, after helping us get started and serving on the board in 2003-2004. He has been a local farmer and businessman since graduating from Touchet in 1965 and father of three THS grads, Ronnie ('86), Dawn ('87) and Windy ('94). He and his wife, Dana, have been great TEF supporters over the years.
Darrell Loney
Board Member
Friday May 2nd - Celebration at school
Saturday May 3rd
11 a.m. Lunch & Program (Food Truck)
6:30 p.m. Reunion Social @ the Lion's Hall
106th May Day Celebration
Friday, May 2, 2025
10 a.m.
Visit the Touchet School District website for information about the celebration!
Saturday June 7th - 1 p.m.
Kayla Rollinger
P.O. Box 272, Touchet, WA 99360
Tax I.D. # 41-2080699
Visit our page on Facebook
Melissa Cummins
Board Member, Class of 1973, Melissa attended Washington State University, obtaining a B.A. in Music History and Theory in 1978, and a Master's of Adult and Community Education in 1979. Melissa worked for 5 years as a University of Minnesota Extension Educator before returning to graduate school at Penn State. After completing her M.S. in Agriculture Economics, she worked for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In 2012 she retired and moved back to Touchet.
Sandy Reppe
Board Member, was not raised in Touchet, but if you have ever seen her "Touchet Pride" at a football game you wouldn't know it. She moved to Touchet in 1976 with her husband, Dave, raised two Touchet Indians, Doug ('86) and Darin ('92). She has been a "behind-the scenes" supporter since 2003 then in fall of 2013 became a board member.
Carol (Riley) Hopkins
Secretary, Touchet High School class of 1987, graduated from the University of Washington with B.A. in Business Administration '93. She, husband Chris, and their sons Nickolas ('17) and Nathan ('18) returned to the Walla Walla valley in 2000. Carol was a founding member and has volunteered as the secretary since 2003.
Marilyn (Adams) Schaecher
President, Class of 1972, and Good Samaritan School Graduate with a Diploma in Nursing. Along with her son Eric ('12) returned to Touchet in 2003 to assist with the care of her parents. She has been a fan, class volunteer, member of the Touchet Booster Club and Treasurer of the Touchet School Supporters. She retired from Walla Walla Clinic as an office nurse for the Endocrinologist and being a Certified Diabetic Educator.
Our Town:
Touchet (Too-she) is a rural farming community in south- eastern Washington state. Area farmers raise alfalfa seed, wheat, hay, and Walla Walla Sweet onions. Florida Power and Light has a business office in Touchet, where they manage one of the largest wind farms in the west. The surrounding Walla Walla Valley includes many world class wineries and tourist attractions. Touchet, Washington - Home of the Redhawks!
Do you want to be a part of our team?Consider bringing your fundraising and organizational skills and serving as a member of our Board. Most of our volunteer board members plan to serve for approximately 5 years when they begin. We need fresh volunteers to step up and rotate through as other members step down after many years of service. A revolving flow of new board members will help bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm, while learning from the experience of veteran board members.
Would you like to help with our fundraising? We recently completed our 3rd annual TEF Fall Raffle Fundraiser. This is our primary fundraising activity and there is always lots to do! Help gather donations and sell raffle tickets.
Do you have computer skills? You could help keep the website updated and help students and parents become familiar with the website and scholarship application.
Please contact us to learn more about ways that you can assist the Touchet Educational Foundation fulfill our mission to help students succeed in their educational goals.
The Touchet Educational Foundation was established in January of 2003. The purpose of our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization is to provide scholarship funds for students as they graduate from Touchet High School and begin college or vocational training. We award a merit scholarship to every senior who participates in our fundraising and turns in a completed application on time, and also offer additional scholarships for students who meet various eligibility requirements.
The Touchet Educational Foundation also offers scholarship opportunities for Touchet graduates in their 2nd year of college, as well as those who have attained college level junior standing (or higher) and are pursuing a bachelors or advanced degree. See the "APPLICATIONS" link for each scholarship application.
Donations are gratefully accepted for any of our scholarships. Your gift will be directed to the appropriate endowment fund or scholarship. See the "Scholarship List" tab for details.
tef - about us
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Our Mission
Providing financial support for Touchet High School graduates in pursuit of educational opportunities, and encouraging community support for higher education.
the earth